Prophetic Information Ministries Book Store



Binding: Hardcover / Pages: 2079 / Dimensions: 7"x10" / Weight: 4.30
All 24 books of the
Torah, Prophets, and Writings are now at your fingertips in one magnificent
2,200 page volume, as interpreted by the classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic
literature. This is a remarkable achievement. It enables everyone to obtain a
basic knowledge of the entire Tanach from "In the beginning" to the return to
Eretz Yisrael. For home, for office, for synagogue, for gifts this is an
indispensable Book for the People of the Book. Edited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman
in collaboration with an international team of scholars.
- Newly set, accurate, carefully
researched Hebrew text
- Crisp, clear introductions
- New English translation, based on the
research of an international team of Torah scholars
- Illuminating notes and comments
- All Haftarahs clearly indicated
- Explanatory charts, illustrations and
- Full index of topics
- Stunningly beautiful page layout
- 7" x 10" page size
- Specially-milled bible paper
- Reinforced binding; ribbon
of $100.00

Description: Overview - 191 pages
"Why is it that, no
matter what we do, some of us never seem to get victory over sickness or
personal problems? Is it possible that there could be a very simple key to
having the kind of victory we all desire in our lives? Daniel Rodes believes
that if we obey the simple commands of the Bible to worship God in the ways He
desires, victory will be ours. He declares: "I personally believe that you will
not have nearly as many problems in life if your life-style is one of rejoicing.
Praise and rejoicing can head off a lot of troubles that we otherwise might
face. ... Our focus has shifted from the difficulty to the Lord, and we are
looking to Him who is able to hold us and carry us through the most difficult of
times." Here is a book that will bless you and turn your trials into

Description: Overview - 301
A faith building revelation of God's power and purpose to
use everything to mature and empower us for His use. Book Description The
purpose of this book is to give you confidence in an all-powerful God who
lovingly works all things together for your good to the end that you will be the
vessel He so desires. As a vessel of God, you will see that faith in God will
work for you and through you for others. Included in this book are many exciting
testimonies of God's sovereignty manifested in power and grace. The questions in
the last three pages of this book and many more are answered from the Word of
God. This study and experience of the sovereignty of God has born much fruit in
my life in the area of rest, peace, faith, and respect for Him. Others have told
me the same thing and urged me to make a book of it. This study has sharpened my
fear of God and removed my fear of man's conspiracies by the devil. It has given
me a strong sense of the awesomeness of God. I feel it is my commission to share
this with anyone who has the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Knowing the
purpose and omnipotence of God lays a foundation for faith in the promises that
removes the struggle from it. We will see how to cooperate with God in the
process of His plan and so be vessels for it. When we discuss something as
controversial as this we have to make sure we are based in the Scriptures, not
adding or taking away. We must "contend earnestly for the faith which was once
for all delivered unto the saints," not the apostate faith of our day. The
reason this subject is so controversial is because Christians as a whole tend to
pick and choose verses to align with what they wish to believe. But truth can
only come by accepting and fitting them all together for "the sum of thy word is
truth." Many of the Scriptures we are going to look at have been ignored because
they are contrary to human sentiment and reasoning, but they are there to bring
us into the full knowledge of God that sets free. I realize that I am writing to
a cross-section of Christianity and you may see some things that you cannot
accept. However, I am sure that if you will not throw the baby out with the bath
water, you will see things that will change your life. If you will read this
book slowly and prayerfully, I am sure God will bless you.

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