1. Unity, sovereignty, light. 2. Witness, division,
difference. 3. Divine perfection, Godhead, unity. 4. The world,
creativity, material completeness, four corners, four winds. 5. Grace,
heavenly favour, love. 6. Man under the curse of sin, time. 7. Spiritual
perfection, God's seal, rest. 8. Resurrection, new beginings, Jesus. 9.
Finality, judgment. 10. Perfection of order. 11. Subversion,
disorder. 12 Perfect government. 13 Rebellion, corruption, Satan. 37.
The Word of God. 40. Probation, trial, testing. 153. Sons of God. 666.
Man's godless systems, - anti-Christ, humanity's animal nature/ mark of the
Meanings of Numbers & Colors
NUMBERS: 1 = God; beginning; source;
first; unity 2 = number of witness (in the mouth of two or more
witnesses); friendship 3 = Godhead; trinity; divine completeness;
perfect testimony 4 = number of earth; creation; world; four gospels;
four winds; four seasons; four corners of the earth 5 = grace;
atonement; life; the cross; five-fold ministries 6 = number of man;
beast; satan; idol 7 = perfection; completeness; number of book of
Revelation; finished; day of rest; (used 600 times in Bible) 8 =
resurrection; new beginnings; put on new man 9 = harvest; ministry;
fullness; fruitfulness; number gifts of Holy Spirit; number of fruits of the
Holy Spirit; number of birthing (baby born in 9 months) 10 = number of
law; order; government; restoration; antichrist kingdom; trial; testing;
responsibility; tithe 11 = incompleteness; disorganization;
disintegration; disorder; lawlessness; disorder; need for apostolic fullness (11
apostles left after Judas hanged himself) 12 = divine government;
apostolic fullness 13 = rebellion/backsliding; apostacy; 14
= Passover 15 = Spiritual order 16 = Free spirit; without
boundaries; without limitation; without law, therefore without sin Rom 4:15;
salvation 17 = Spiritual void 18 = Put on judgement,
destruction, captivity, overcome put on spirit of Christ (Jud. 10:7-8; Luke
13:4; Luke 3:11,16) 19 = barren; repentant; ashamed; selflessness,
without self righteousness (II Sam. 2:30, Rom. 6:21) 20 = Can mean
either Holy, tried & approved or unholy & found wanting 24 =
priestly courses, governmental perfection 30 = consecration, maturity
for ministry 40 = probation, testing, ending in victory or
defeat 50 = number of pentecost, liberty, freedom,
jubilee 70 = prior to increase or representative of a
multitude 75 = number of separation, cleansing,
purification 100 = fullness; full measure; full recompense; full
reward, etc. (Gen 26:12; Mark 10:30) 120 = end of all flesh, beginning
of life in the Spirit 124 = number of God's ultimate in creation and
redemption 163 = number of God's elect; revival; ingathering;
harvest 300 = number of faithful remnant 666 = antichrist;
satan; beast 1000 = maturity; full stature (Is. 17:33,5; Eph.

Amber: Glory of God (Ezekiel 1:4;
8:21) Orange: First stone in third row of breastplate of Aaron
(Jacinth) = companionship & intimacy Black: sin; death; grief;
famine; evil (La. 4:8; Jer. 8:21; Rev. 6:5) Blue: Spirit of God; good;
Word of God; Heaven; Heavenly authority from above; Holy Spirit; Prophet;
Revelation (num. 15:38; Jn. 14:26) Brown: Death; Repented; Born again
(dead grass); without spirit Crimson: Blood atonement, sacrifice or
death (Lev. 14:52; Jos. 2:18, 21; Is. 1:18) Purple: Kingship; royalty.
Also, it is a combination of both blue and red - the Spirit and the Blood = the
glory of God. (Jdg. 8:26; Jn. 19:21) Red: war, bloodshed, death (2
Kings 3:22; Rev. 6:4 & 12:3) Scarlet: blood atonement; sacrifice
(as crimson) (Lev. 14:52; Jos. 2:18, 21; Is. 1:18) Green: life;
renewal; growth; teaching; evergreen=eternal life Grey: not defined;
unclear; crafty; hidden; deceived; or of the mind and not the Spirit - OR -
wisdom, i.e., grey hair (Prov. 16:31) White: purity, light,
righteousness, holiness of God, Christ, the angels or saints (Rev. 6:2; 7:9;
19:8; 3:4-5; 15:6) Pink: Passionate heart for God (Ezek 36:26) -
mixture of white (purity) and red (the Blood)